His Covenant Word

For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath.

Deuteronomy 4:31


The name of God, Elohim, is formed from the Hebrew word “Alah” to “swear” and describes One who stands in a covenant relationship ratified by an oath. We see in this name the mystery of the covenant relationship of the Trinity, but we also see the covenant relationship God has with His people. We first see the covenant relationship between man and God in Genesis. God establishes a covenant with Noah; although evil mankind will perish in the flood, Noah’s seed will live. (Genesis 6:17-18) We see the covenant relationship between God and Abram when God promised him an heir. This seemed humanly impossible because his wife Sarai was beyond childbearing years. However, Sarai had a son because God is always faithful to His covenant word. We continue to see His covenant at work in the lives of Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. These everlasting covenants with His people have been a source of strength throughout the ages. Although God’s children are often rebellious and turn away from Him, Elohim, Creator God, never forsakes the covenant He established with them. We may suffer the consequences when we turn from God, but He will never forsake His covenant with us. When we serve Him wholeheartedly, turning back to Him when we fall away, He is always there to restore us. What hope does that give you that Elohim will be faithful to His covenant with you even if you are disobedient?

Heavenly Father,

You alone are faithful. You never break your Covenant of love with me. Forgive me Lord, when I break my Covenant with You in rebellion and sin. Thank you for undeserved grace, unmerited forgiveness, and Your unconditional love that is unprecedented. I am so grateful that though I am undeserving, You never abandon me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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