Christmas Beauty

Good morning Making Space for God friends! This week I went to Brookgreen Garden’s magnificent night of 1,000 lights. It was breathtakingly beautiful.


The night reminded me of the words of Jesus:

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. 

This was the second of seven I am declarations of Jesus recorded in the gospel of John. Jesus was claiming that He is the spiritual source of light to the world. The remarkable promise in His statement is that as followers of Jesus Christ, we will never walk in darkness. That is something to celebrate!

Friends, we do not live in stress-free world. Everywhere we turn we are enveloped in darkness, but it is His light that breaks through the darkness. When we celebrate the birth of Christ we are celebrating His light that has come into the world. 


As I walked through the gardens filled with lights, I reflected on the fact that we were outdoors in the dark of night and yet the gardens were filled with light.



This advent season invite Christ’s light into…

Your homes…

Your workplace…

Your relationships..

Ask the Holy Spirit to use you in the midst of the stress of our days, the pain of our sufferings, the hopelessness you may feel. He will break through your darkness and bring His comfort and His Peace. He is indeed the light of the world.


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