Do Unto Others

New Years Eve as I was going over some of my New Year goals, I recalled a bible verse in Matthew 7:12 the Message translation:

Here is a simple rule- of- thumb guide for behavior. Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.

I knew God was speaking to me. I had been thinking about my goals in my marriage at the time and the Lord whispered into my heart: “Don’t wait until your husband does all the things that you want him to do, even a preferable attitude you would like for him to have…. YOU first must have that preferable attitude. YOU must take the initiative do for him those things you would like for him to do for you.”  And I sensed that this was not about my doing something nice so that something nice would be done for me. No, it was just about my doing something selfless expecting nothing in return. That in itself is a game changer.


I don’t know about you, but when God speaks into my heart like this it pierces; that’s usually how I know it is Him. His voice brings loving conviction, not condemnation.

The net of this is that my goal is to do to my husband what I would like for him to do for me. Perhaps this speaks to you as well in your significant relationship or relationships. For me it was as if this was the first time that I had heard (note I did not say read, I say heard) this Scripture. This is how the Holy Spirit works.  You can read the same scripture over and over and in the right kairos time under the right conditions it hits a home run in your heart.

In practical ways, how will I navigate this?

Here are some of my thoughts for now, however I suspect as I walk this out I will find more ways to follow God’s leading.

I think a lot about Jesus as Our Good Shepherd, the One who leads us beside still waters and restores our souls (Psalm 23). Reflecting on this Psalm and the scripture on doing to others as I would have them do to me, helps me to realize that the Good Shepherd will lead me in ways to fulfill this word. He will show me along the way how to be kind and just and giving—all things that I would like to see done to and for me. That’s good news knowing that He will help me along the way. Jesus said that apart from Him we can do nothing. None of us have it within us apart from Him to be selfless.

Perhaps you received a word for the New Year. Would love for you to share it with me and our Drawing Near community. And consider joining my course on becoming a Courageous leader either live or online or start your own DNG group! Register Now!


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