The Mind of Christ

Happy Monday, making space for God friends! Last night, a Scripture kept running through my mind, so I thought we would unpack the meaning of it together. It has been following me throughout the day in my thought life and I keep wondering as Paul wrote these words to the people in Philippi: what was his main point?

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus; who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man.  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name… (Philippians 2:5-9 Living Translation)

Obviously, his main point was that Jesus Christ, Son of God, equal with God, became a servant, came to earth and laid down his life for humanity and that those who believe in His name will have eternal life. What kept running through my head was: Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus. 

Does that mean that we can have the mind of Christ?

Equally so, are we supposed to not worry about our reputation? Become a servant?

I think it does, because having the mind of Christ is laying aside our orientation to save our selves, moving from being self centered to being God centered.  In so doing, we humble ourselves, fully devoted to God and others. The mind of Christ is different from the mind of man. Man’s ways are oriented inward. What is in it for me? How can I take care of myself, justify myself, look out for number one? God’s ways are oriented outward: How can I glorify God? How can I serve others?

I decided to try this new mind orientation. I made up my mind (note: red alert) made up MY mind to have the mind of Christ and serve others. I started at 6 am making breakfast for my husband. He was stunned. Then I began my day by making some phone calls and offering to help anyone who was willing to take my calls. Fortunately for me with my do it myself attitude, no one these days answers their phone.

And from there it went to a dark place. By 10 am I was tired of being nice and trying to be a servant. It doesn’t work that way, friends. To have the mind of Christ, we must be so devoted to Christ, soaked in His love, knowing we are adored by Him, connected to Him in a deep way and from this place, serving others becomes supernatural, not natural. I cannot make up my mind to do this, I must take on the mind and heart of Christ – and that only happens through my daily worship and devotion to Him. Perhaps what would have worked better was to start my day with a simple prayer:

Lord, as I worship you today, write your love letter on my heart and let me then send post it notes to those in need. Let my love for you be evident and expressed by serving others.

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…

As advent approaches, let’s make space together in our lives to have the mind of Christ. How? We have to make our lives in Christ our highest priority. Let’s be real, though; the culture pulls us in a different direction, especially this time of year. Let’s determine together that this Christmas we will pray for the mind of Christ so that in all we do we will bring Him glory.


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