Making Space for the Words of Jesus-Volume II Study Guide


Making Space for the Words of Jesus-Volume II Study Guide


9 Week Bible Study (Part 2)

Jesus had many things to say as He walked this earth. He told us not to be afraid, to have faith, and to love our enemies. In His last prayer to His Father while on earth, He prayed for unity among believers.  Springing forth from the cross, every word Jesus had spoken suddenly took on new meaning. After His death, the disciples most likely thought about the things He had said while he was with them and they searched for their meaning. Today as followers of Christ, we too must search for the meaning of His words. And as we search, we will find that The Word no longer hangs on the cross; the cross is empty, His words are life and resurrection.


Table of Contents

Lesson 10:  Ask Seek Knock

Lesson 11:  Cleansing the Temple

Lesson 12:  Take Up Your Cross

Lesson 13:  A Call to Being A Servant

Lesson 14:  Keeping Watch

Lesson 15:  A Call to Worship

Lesson 16:  New Wineskins

Lesson 17:  The Work of the Spirit

Lesson 18:  Love One Another


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