New Resolve

The people of Israel, including the Levites, are to bring their contributions of grain, new wine and oil to the storerooms where the articles for the sanctuary are kept and where the ministering priests, the gatekeepers and the singers stay. We will not neglect the house of our God.

Nehemiah 10:39b

The Israelites confessed their sins and were now determined to start over again, assuming the responsibilities and duties of the people of God.

Nehemiah 10 describes the commitment that the people made before God and the agreement they signed to insure that they fulfilled their commitment.

They agreed to keep the Sabbath holy since they had defiled it by conducting business on the Sabbath. They agreed to continue the appointed feasts and to make offerings of tithes. They concluded with a resounding word as one new man: We will not neglect the house of our God. (v.15b) The spiritual revival at Water Gate began a time of reflection on God’s Word, of confession of sins, of worship, and now a time to take action in obedience by following God’s laws.

God’s people also need a “spiritual revival.” Perhaps we have neglected studying God’s Word, neglected to pray, or have not been in fellowship with other believers. It is also possible that we are going through difficult times, and although we are practicing the disciplines of the faith, we are still feeling spiritually dull or dry. During those times, it is good to pray for the Lord to revive you, and often renewal begins with a heart of thanksgiving and a willingness to repent. James 4:8 reminds us that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. Sometimes just having a new resolve isn’t enough. We need Christian friends to pray with us or help us to draw near to the Lord.

God’s Word brought a new resolve to the people to turn back to God and to follow His ways. Nehemiah 11 describes that after their determination to assume the responsibilities of God’s people, the people were able to work together to begin to reestablish the city of Jerusalem. As the body of Christ, we need times of revival to draw us back to the Lord and to cause us to have a new resolve to establish His kingdom here on earth.

How about you? Are you in a spiritually dry place? You may need to have new resolve to seek the Lord and obey His commands, and like the people of Nehemiah’s day, proclaim that you will no longer neglect the house of God. Revival means to “bring to life again.” As you resolve to turn back to God, He will bring you new life.

Heavenly Father,

I am spiritually dry and in need of revival. I turn back to You with new resolve and commitment to seek You with all of my heart.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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