Remembering Our Spiritual Milestones

Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced

I Chronicles 16:12


Whether you have just embarked on your spiritual journey or have been journeying for many years, I hope that you have recognized the importance of remembering spiritual milestones. It is important not only to remember these milestones, but also to share them with others. In the book of Joshua, we learn about God’s protection, His promises, and His principles that assist us in our spiritual journey as they did the Israelites. We have seen God’s hand at work in memorable ways as He guided the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to claiming their inheritance of the Promised Land.

Throughout their journey, they established different memorials that they continued to share with each other and with their children. They set the example for us the importance of sharing with others what wonderful works God has accomplished in our lives.

Take the time to begin a journal for remembering spiritual milestones.

For example, recently my sister got married. For years I had prayed that the Lord would send her someone who would love her as Christ loves the church. After several months of dating, she told me that her husband-to-be told her that his wish was to love her in that way. The Lord not only answered our prayers, He answered them in a specific way! For both my sister and me, this was a spiritual milestone. God increased our faith in prayer, and His faithfulness will be forever ingrained on my heart.

As you journey with the Lord, write down your spiritual “markers” – those things that have helped you grow in your faith – so that when you think you are not growing in your faith, you can look back and see that the Lord has always been at work.


Heavenly Father,

Some days I wonder if I am just treading water in my faith journey. I want to grow spiritually and will begin today to journal all of the ways You answer my prayers. Open up the “eyes of my heart” to see the many ways You are at work in my life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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