Confidence in God to Fulfill His Promise

Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

Romans 4:20-21


God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. We see Abraham’s complete confidence in God to fulfill His promise when he said to his servants, Stay with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you. (Genesis 22:5) How confident Abraham was! Although God had called him to sacrifice his son on the mountain, he had confidence they would BOTH return! Abraham knew God as the Promise Keeper, the Great Jehovah, who always kept His word. When we grow in our knowledge of the character of God to keep His promises, our life of faith radically turns to a life of peace, trust, and security.

We have all experienced disappointment when friends have let us down.

They have broken a promise to us and we have lost trust in them. God, unlike people, never breaks His promises. He told Abraham that He would have descendants as numerous as the stars, and Abraham not only believed Him, but did not waver in unbelief!

Have you been hurt by broken promises – a broken marriage, broken relationship, broken trust at work? The Lord wants you to have confidence in Him to fulfill all of the promises in His Word. He alone is faithful and true to His Word.


Heavenly Father,

I have been struggling with disappointments based on broken promises (fill in the blank).

I want to be free of my hurt, so I choose to forgive these individuals (fill in the blank) who have broken trust with me. I turn to You, the great Promise Keeper, knowing that in You alone will I find peace.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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