Step out in faith

Dear friends of Drawing Near Ministry,

Are you aware that behind the scenes of this ministry is a team of Intercessors praying for each of you, for our community of women, and for the spread of the Gospel nationally, resourcing and equipping women? And it’s happening!

This week in our prayer time, I had a sense that as a ministry we are headed into a season of great joy- bringing the Good News to the weary, the hopeless, and the joyless. As we were praying, I had a picture of people dancing and rejoicing as we met each week. When I shared this picture with my fellow intercessors, one of them said that she had written something about dancing with God. I wanted to share this with all of you. Amy Mulvaney, the author of the prayer below, has been a part of Drawing Near leadership for many years and has been a role model for myself and many others. As you read the prayer, take a moment to sit back, relax, and breathe deeply. And as we enter the New Year together, let’s rejoice that we are being joyfully led by the best dance partner ever!

Have a blessed Advent season and come join in the dance with us. Join us as we continue the book of James, Vol. 2.

Joanne Ellison
Founder of Drawing Near Ministry

The Father’s Dance
Heavenly Father, As we begin this dance into the new year, help me surrender to Your lead. When You spin me, if I become dizzy and disoriented, maybe even discouraged, remind me to keep my eyes on You as my steadying focal point. And when the unexpected dips come (of illness, loss, financial setbacks and broken relationships), remind me to rest in Your embrace. As I learn to dance in sync with Your every step, may I know Your love and experience your joy and peace as we move ahead together. Open my eyes to others alongside, longing with hope to join in our dance, and welcome them with kindness. Thank You for asking me to dance. I surrender to Your lead and trust You with what lies ahead. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
Written by Amy Mulvaney ~ December 30, 2016



This morning I want to share with you how to make space in your life to step out in faith when you sense you are called to do something- whether it is to make a change, do something that is a stretch or challenging, or a shift in your thinking. Stepping out in faith requires that you only see the first step, not necessarily the whole staircase. In fact, I cannot remember a single faith step where I was completely certain of the steps that I was to take; however, I did know that I needed to take the first step.

Two things that transpire on the way to the staircase climbing…

1. You have to believe that you heard from God, which means you have spent time seeking His counsel.

2. You trust that if you step out in faith and it appears that you are going in the wrong direction or climbing the wrong staircase, the Lord will turn you around and put you on HIS plan or help you continue going forward.

It may seem like this is too simple. But for most of us, it is too complex because faith is complex. We prefer to first see and believe, and faith is believing and then seeing.

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for, it is the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 NLT)

In one of the classes that I teach, I sensed that there was a worship song that needed to be played at the end of my teaching. This is a time when we offer prayer for those who wish to respond to the message. My worship leader graciously agreed at the last minute to change out her song choice and substitute this one. By the way, working with someone who is flexible and wants to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading is like a breath of fresh air! So we did and God moved in extraordinary ways. It was a step of faith for us both, but He had His way and people responded. I took the first step of faith and contacted the worship leader, and she took the second step up the ladder and did it. And… then the people climbed God’s ladder.

So next time you hear the whisper of God in your heart, respond to the call. If you have been praying about something and seeking God, seek wise counsel and step out in faith. Where God guides He provides. Sometimes it appears that we took the wrong turn and ended up in a desert, but it may only be for a season as the Lord works within you, strengthening you for the rest of the journey.

Love for you all to share your faith stories. It will help build our faith!

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