Restoration of God’s Kingdom on Earth

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

When Adam and Eve rebelled against God in the garden, the consequence was separation from God. They had enjoyed fellowship with God, but because of their sin, they were separated from Him. The love of God our Creator is the strongest force on earth, and it was that love that sent His Son Jesus to restore man’s relationship to God. I marvel at the love of our Father, who sacrificed His Son Jesus to die for our sins and provided the way for us to come back into fellowship with Him! Jesus came and preached, Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is near (Matthew 4:17). He called humanity to turn from their sins, to turn back to God, and to advance God’s kingdom on earth. Did you know that God, the Creator of all things, loves us beyond any words that we can express? He longs for us to be in fellowship with Him, working together to bring His truth to the world. What a privilege it is to be in partnership with Him!

God is in the business of restoring us first in relationship to Him through His Son, and then in relationship with ourselves and others. Often it is through suffering that we draw near to God, and often it is through our relationships that we suffer. But God has promised that He will not only restore us, but also use our brokenness to bring restoration to others: And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while will Himself restore you and make you strong. (I Peter 5:10)

It is the love of God, the strongest force on earth that does the restoring. Like a house in need of repair, we need repair from the damage done by the world, ourselves, and others. Are you willing to allow Him to do some renovation on your heart?

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ to restore Your kingdom on earth. Thank you that You love me enough not to allow me to perish but to have eternal life. I choose to surrender to the transforming work of renovation on my heart and my life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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