Courageous Living

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.

I Corinthians 16:13


Paul faced the possibility of losing his life when the storm took his ship off course. God sent an angel to assure Paul that he would make it to Rome in order to stand trial before Caesar. (Acts 27:24) The angel told him not to be afraid because God had a purpose for his life, and not even a storm could thwart His purposes. The ultimate purpose of the Lord was for Paul to get to Rome so that the gospel could be taken into that area.

We, too, sometimes feel as though we have been shipwrecked. The struggles of life throw us off course, and fear can easily set in. Remembering God’s promises in His Word gives us courage and keeps us on course.

Storms may try and take us off course, but God’s purpose in the storm, once completed, will strengthen us. God does not desire for us to be shipwrecked, but He does allow the storms to cause us to turn to Him. He has a purpose for your life and you must not fear. As you turn to Him, He sets your course and your destiny to be fulfilled.

Paul tells the church in Corinth to be on guard and stand firm in the faith. (I Corinthians 16:13) He had experienced severe opposition as he, himself, had stood firm in his faith and convictions. He knew how difficult it could be when opposition threatened to defeat him. Yet he stood firm in his faith. God is calling you to do the same. When the storms of life come, call on the Lord to keep you from shipwreck and take courage, for you are not alone. He will never leave or forsake you. That is His promise!


Heavenly Father,

As I hold tightly to the boat of life, I am being tossed and turned and I live in fear of being thrown overboard or shipwrecked. Strengthen me in Your Word and give me the courage to see the storm through.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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