Divine Protection

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
II Thessalonians 3:3

When the ship that was taking Paul as a prisoner to Rome ran aground off the island of Malta, the soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners before they could swim ashore and escape. But the centurion wanted to spare Paul’s life and kept them from carrying out their plans. (Acts 27:42-43) Once safely ashore, a deadly viper attached itself to Paul’s hand, but miraculously, he lived. God divinely protected Paul, and He also protects us as He calls us to fulfill His Word and purposes. God told Paul he would reach Rome, and He protected him so that His purposes would not be thwarted.

The enemy seeks to destroy and rob us of the delight of living for God. He seeks to weaken our defenses by causing us to forget that God is faithful and has promised us that He will strengthen us in all things. Paul, a prisoner of Rome, was in a position of weakness, seemingly dependent on the soldiers to protect him. But when his life was threatened, it was God who protected him and kept him safe from the schemes of the soldiers. When we stand in the will of God, seeking to follow Him, He protects us and His plans will be fulfilled through us.

Are you in a place where you sense that the Lord has called you and yet it appears that the enemy has thwarted your plans? Are you only able to see closed doors and feel unprotected from the schemes of the enemy? The servant of Elisha, prophet of Israel, could only see the army of opposition when he looked at the hillside, yet Elisha prayed that he would be able to see the army of God’s angels protecting and fighting for them. (2 Kings 6:15-16) Ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes to see the deliverance and protection of the Lord. He will never fail you or leave you unprotected.

Heavenly Father,
Open my eyes as You did for Elisha’s servant to see the army of God that fights for me. Help me to believe that although the circumstances appear as though I am defeated, You are with me protecting me from all evil.
In Jesus name, Amen

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