The Secret of Using Talents

Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more.

Matthew 25:14-16


In the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, two of the servants doubled their talents (coins) that were given to them by their master. The other servant who was given one talent buried it for fear that he would lose it. He played it safe whereas the other servants worked to produce more. The master told the two servants who doubled their money that because they were faithful in a little thing, he would entrust them with more. I suppose that the man who hid his one talent did so because he was fearful of losing it or squandering it. He thought that his master would be pleased that he did not take a risk with the money he was given. Using this analogy in terms of the talents, or gifts, that God has given each of us, we too easily bury our gifts because it may seem too risky to use them. It may even be that we do not recognize our gifts or are unwilling to open them. Whatever the reason, many of the gifts that God has given us remain unused.

Think about some of the men and women of the Bible: Abraham, David, Rebecca, Paul, and Peter. Each of them was obedient and each had to use the resources, gifts, and talents that the Lord had given them to follow the call. Abraham had the gift of faith. David had a heart of worship. Rebecca was strong, resilient and faithful. Paul was brilliant, and Peter was impetuous.

Yes, God could even use impetuous Peter because Peter was willing not to bury his talents but to use all that he had for the glory of God.

God has entrusted us with many talents or gifts that He expects us to use to advance His kingdom. He does not want us to bury our talents but to use them for His glory. What gifts has God given you that you have buried? If you are uncertain of your gift, ask a trusted friend and seek the Lord for ways that you can use your God-given gifts. Do you have the ability to sing, to paint, to organize, to teach? There are many ways that you can serve the Lord. If He has given you a gift, He is waiting for you to use it for His glory!

Heavenly Father,

I am unable to see how You have gifted me. Perhaps I have been looking for a big sensational gift and have not noticed some of the quiet ways that You use me. Open my eyes to see the gift; open my heart to receive the gift; open my arms to extend the gift to others so that I bring honor and glory to Your name.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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