The Head and the Tail

The Lord is angry with all nations; his wrath is upon all their armies. He will totally destroy them, he will give them over to slaughter.

Isaiah 34:2


Throughout the book of Isaiah, the prophet condemns the leadership of the people. In Isaiah 10, the lawmakers issued “oppressive decrees” and withheld justice. The elders of Israel (the head) and the prophets (the tail) were misguiding the people. (Isaiah 9:15-16)

Christian leaders are called to set an example for the ungodly. It is our responsibility to be leaders in our society today, exemplifying the character of Christ. As I write, an interesting image comes to mind. I think about traveling with young children. Before take-off, the pre-flight instructions include what to do if there is oxygen loss and how you are to assist children.

First you secure the oxygen mask over your nose, and then you help your child put on his/her oxygen mask. As Christian leaders, we can only be effective in leading others by first ensuring that we are “breathing in the Holy Spirit.” Isaiah 11 describes what the oxygen of the Holy Spirit is like: wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, and fear of the Lord. When we walk with a “full tank,” we can help others draw from the springs of salvation and offer them the oxygen tank of life that we have stored up. Who are you leading, and what can you do to improve your leadership skills?

Heavenly Father,

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I breathe in Your life as oxygen for my soul. And after I am filled with Your Spirit, pour out Your life through me. Help me to be a courageous leader exemplifying the character of Christ. Open doors today so that I may lead others to You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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