A Thankful Heart Transforms

As many of you who read my blog know, as the New Year began, I sensed the Lord saying that this was the year of transformation. Today I want to talk to you about one aspect of transformation – thankfulness. This can be hard – to give thanks in all circumstances. But it does bring transformation and contentment.

This is an entry on Thankfulness from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. All of the entries in this devotional came from my personal journal and my wrestling through issues with Him in the Word and in prayer, and the comfort He has given me in the process.



Give thanks in all things. My friend Paul wrote in my Word to be thankful in all situations. He had learned the key to contentment—that I was his hope. He put his trust in me even when he was confined in prison. The prison walls could not stop him from preaching the gospel. Beloved, there is no prison that can keep you from praising me. A thankful heart transforms discontentment into contentment. I know that your situation causes you to cry out in pain. I hear your cries and know your pain. If you will begin to praise me in the circumstances and thank me in the midst of the circumstances, you will find me in ways you never imagined. I am the God who strengthens you and makes possible the impossible. I am the God who never forsakes you and will cause you to rise above your circumstances. A thankful heart is medicine for your soul.

Acts 16:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Ephesians 5:20

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