What’s On Your Mind?
by Joanne Ellison

One of my favorite Scriptures is:

How a man thinks so He is. (Proverbs 23:7)

So what’s on your mind? Because according to this Scripture, our thoughts impact the way that we live. Pondering this I decided to take inventory on my thoughts today. I became acutely aware that my God thoughts (thoughts in agreement with God) were much more productive than my negative thoughts (agreeing with lies). And the crazy thing is that often the pull to believe the worst takes over the agreement with the promises in God’s Word.


So here’s how it goes…..

I start to work on a project and I am overwhelmed. I decide that I can’t do it.

Scripture says: you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

I tell myself that I cannot help someone with their problem

God’s Word says that all wisdom comes from Him. He has this.

My child is not on the right path (or so I think).

God says- Trust the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding

I decide that I am not smart enough to keep up with the challenges that face me.

God says- I have the mind of Christ. 

Friends, it’s time as Christians that we agree with God’s Word because as a man thinks so he is. Our mind in agreement with God leads us to actions that are powerful, anointed, and astonishingly effective. Paul gives us the formula for living as kingdom minded people:

Take all of your thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus. 

In practical ways how do we do this?

  • Pray
  • Seek God all the time
  • Read and meditate on His promises
  • Trust Him not your own understanding– sometimes our perspectives are based on false information.

As we seek to Make Space for God together, share your thoughts with us and how you practically live a Christ centered life and ways to take your thoughts captive in agreement with God.






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  1. Rachel d Siegfried

    Joyce Meyer wrote a wonderful book called
    ‘Battlefield of the Mind”-and she always says do not go by your feelings or thoughts, because they may not be correct in our mind-but live by God’s truth.
    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
    Ephesians 6:12
    Joyce talks in all of her books, but mostly, Battlefield of the Mind, who much the Bible speaks about spiritual warfare. And that nobody can afford to look the other way-every body needs to know what is going on. Those “thoughts” are from Satan-brought only to steal the joy and peace that Jesus wants us to have. But, we need to realize what is going on, so that we can realize that we have authority over the devil in the name of Jesus and tell the devil to just shut up. As Joyce says in one of her books, “Jesus told the devil to shut up, why can’t we?” I have been reading all of her books and listening to all of her sermons. And, Joanne-you are 100% correct. Joyce says that ways to make the devil angry are everything that you mentioned-so you and Joyce are definitely in agreement. But- the biggest factor that people cannot afford to not be educated about is spiritual warfare-and where these thoughts are coming from.
    Joyce even has a book titled “What are you thinking about?”
    And one on Emotions that speaks about how your thoughts affect everything in your life. I just wanted to share all of this information. Reading Battlefield of the Mind and understanding what Joyce Meyer is speaking about has totally transformed the way I see every situation-and as a result has totally transformed my life.
    I love you, Joanne-
    You and Joyce are in total agreement-
    I did not want to take away from your blog in any way-but Joyce has helped me so much.
    And I really think she, as well as you, can help so many others.
    Thank you for all that you do.

  2. Anita Joe

    Amen! Well spoken Joanne.

    One of my favorite scriptures is closely realated. Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus” This verse is my daily prayer used to combat the lies of the enemy.
    The power of prayer is amazing because, afterwards you feel ten feet tall! Through the power of the Holy Ghost I have the mind of my conquering
    King! Blessed be the name of the Lord!

    • joanneellison

      You are so right Anita! Love Philippians 2 as well. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Martha

    Recently well really for quite some time I have felt so inadequate in leading studies through our small group at church. I read and reread and fail to truely comprehend the scripture to the point of remembering effectively to teach or lead our group. I feel as if I am stuck and allowing Satan to take over my confidence in Christ. Help

    • joanneellison

      I know the feeling of inadequacy. The enemy wants us to feel that way however God often does not call the equipped but equips the called. One Scripture that helps me is 2 Corinthians 10:5- we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up agains the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. We must take captive our thoughts and bring them into agreement with God’s Word. Blessings!

  4. Cheryl Alsheimer

    This was such an effective way to illustrate how quickly and easily we are derailed from The Lords Truth. We are bombarded by our minds, moods, the enemy, and culture with a constant influx of lies. Great job avoiding the lies which could have prevented your posting this realistic insight.

  5. Lysse Bell

    Thank you for these wise words Joanne! In a world where so much is thrown at us, I agree with the above mentioned comment of “how quickly and easily we are derailed”. Scripture keeps us grounded and gets us back on track. Praise God!


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