A Gospel of Power


I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…

Romans 1:16



According to Webster’s dictionary, the word “power” has the following synonyms: authority, jurisdiction, control, command, dominion. The gospel is the power of God for salvation and it has authority, jurisdiction, control, and dominion over our lives for salvation if we choose to believe. Salvation is defined as the saving of man from the power and effects of sin. Salvation is one of the main themes in the Scriptures. From God’s perspective, salvation includes the total work of God in bringing people from condemnation to justification, from death to eternal life. From the human perspective, it incorporates all of the blessings that being in Christ brings both in this life and the life to come. In putting “power and salvation” together, we see that the gospel has the power, authority, jurisdiction, and dominion to save us from sin and death and to enable us to live a life of freedom in Christ.  Paul writes that he is not ashamed of the gospel because it is powerful and effective for those who believe.

In today’s world, people are seeking freedom from the chains of sin and weight of condemnation. Jesus offers just that. Paul was not ashamed to share the gospel because he knew firsthand as a persecutor of Christians how the Lord touched him and led him from a life of bondage to a life of freedom in Christ. Where do you need to see God’s power at work in your life?

Heavenly Father,

I feel powerless to stand against the tide of life. I feel as though the tide is pulling me under, and I am overwhelmed with the things I have to do and the limited time to do them. I pray for Your power to accomplish those things that YOU have called me to do. Give me discernment to know what I need to let go of. Thank you that in You is all power and dominion to lead the life that You have called me to live. Help me to throw off the guilt of trying to please everyone else and give me the grace to only desire to please You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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