A Greater Yes

Here we are in the final days of Advent, waiting and preparing for the birth of Jesus. However, I want to talk to you today about a different kind of waiting… waiting for the desires of your heart to be fulfilled. As you reflect on the past year, you may feel that you have just been waiting. But in that time of waiting, is a time of strengthening and the hope and expectancy of God’s greater yes. So today I wanted to share with you the entry on Waiting from my devotional,  Sitting at His Feet, below. For those of you who follow my blog, you may know that I share entries from this devotional from time to time. This devotional is a compilation of journal entries from my personal quiet times with the Lord, and the entries (like the one below) come from a heart to heart meeting with the Lord. They are the comfort that He has given me when I’ve wrestled with various situations.



I have set before you an open door. Waiting is the currency by which you will be able to enter. I know you have been waiting for the desire of your heart to be fulfilled, but my plan is higher. I am lining up circumstances that appear to be closed doors, but, as you trust me and continue in obedience, I will lead you through. I am growing character and trust as you wait. The word for wait qavah in Hebrew means to strengthen as a three stranded cord. A rope woven together is strong enough to lift heavy objects but one strand will break. As you wait, I am weaving together a rope in order to make you strong. Beware of watching with your physical eyes only. I am doing a greater work than you can see in your life. Embrace this season of waiting as I walk you through the valley of preparation. The enemy would have you think that I have forsaken you, but it is in fact the opposite. I have come alongside you weaving the rope of your life together. Do not grow weary in waiting. A greater yes is ahead.

Isaiah 40:28-31; Psalm 27:13-14; Psalm 33:20-22; Psalm 130:5

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