A Life of Prayer

Today in our study of Ephesians, we looked at Ephesians 1 15:23. As you know, I share notes from my teachings here on the blog.

In this lesson, as we look at Paul’s prayer, we see:

  • He goes directly to God in prayer. There is no go-between
  • He prays for wisdom and revelation and hearts to be enlightened
  • He prays for them to know their inheritance and power in Christ

Prayer consists of praying to a God that we can’t see with our natural eyes. Prayer is more about hearing from God than hearing from us, which means we need to tune into His station. I want to suggest that worship is the means to do this.

When we worship Jesus and focus on Him in prayer we must be:

  • Expectant (set the bar high)
  • Tune in to His station
  • Fear God and not man so you can hear clearly.
  • Listen together as a team  
  • Wait on the Lord
  • Desire His will more than having your needs fulfilled

Paul wants his readers to know that this enlightenment through wisdom and revelation in knowing God will lead to three things:

  1. The call of God
  2. The glory of God’s inheritance given to us
  3. The greatness of God’s power

In closing, I want to share with you this video. Watch this and reflect on what prayer means to you:

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