Abundant Peace

The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.

Isaiah 32:17

Jehovah Shalom promises that our peace will be like a river. (Isaiah 66:12) When we accept Jesus as our Savior, He comes into us in the form of His Holy Spirit and becomes our “living water” and our peace. Jesus Christ told the Samaritan woman at the well, If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water. (John 4:10) As we then continue to drink of the well of living water through His Holy Spirit, we are filled with supernatural peace. Jehovah Shalom longs to give us abundant peace if we are willing to drink from the river of life.

Shalom means peace, well-being, and wholeness. Jesus offers us eternal life when we turn from our sins and turn to Him. Salvation is at work from the moment we receive Him into our lives. From that moment, the Prince of Peace resides in us to work His salvation into us – His shalom, peace, well-being, and wholeness. Our anxiety is replaced with His peace.

Our fears are replaced with His peace. Our anger, our disappointments are all replaced with “shalom.” Quiet confidence replaces self-confidence.

Years ago I met a young woman who exuded this peace. It was her peace that led me to desire more and more of Jesus. I wanted what she had.

Does your life reflect the fruit of righteousness which is peace and the effect of righteousness which is quietness and confidence? If not, ask the Holy Spirit to bring His healing and deliverance into any part of your life where you are experiencing anxiety or loss of peace.


Heavenly Father,

Help me to trust You to let go of the things that I worry about. I desire for Your peace to be like a river in my life, flowing to all of the people around me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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