Active Waiting

Today in our study of Esther, we looked at Esther 7 & 8. The book of Esther is very much about waiting, isn’t it? How many of you are waiting for something right now?  I would imagine that everyone is raising their hands. We’re all waiting for something – for a job, a spouse, a friend to find Jesus, a wayward child to find their way.

In my teaching, I shared some points about active waiting. I always share the notes from the teaching here on the blog on Thursdays. So that you’re sure to not miss out, enter your email in the little box to the right of this post on the website, and you’ll get all my blog posts right to your inbox. And for those of you who are already reading this in your inbox, thanks for following along!

It doesn’t matter what you’re waiting on – God is for you and not against you. Let’s look at what waiting sometimes looks and feels like. I showed part of this video (linked here and shown below) that is a very sweet depiction of what happens when we wait for God’s best. Take a look:


Now, waiting on the Lord isn’t sitting and doing nothing. There is such thing as active waiting.  Let’s see what that looks like, according to Scripture:

  • Believe that God hears your prayers (Romans 8:32)
  • Watch expectantly. His answer may not come in the package you had hoped or prayed for so keep your eyes open
  • The answer may not come when you think, but His answer is always on time.
  • Put your hope in His Word/Promises
  • Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • Fight fear (Psalm 27:13-14)

I pray that you keep these tools for active waiting in your toolboox and use them as you wait for God’s best for you.

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