Be Still

Good morning, Making Space for God community! This week I had the privilege of teaching at a Conference with women from all over the US who are part of an organization called Daughters of the King. Their theme was, “Be Still.”

They were delightful and eager to connect with our theme in practical ways. My four talks were predominately on how to live from our core—living from the “inside out” in the midst of a hectic world; finding ways to stay connected to Jesus and live from a place of peace. One of my teachings was on hearing the Shepherd’s voice. I think we all can benefit from learning how to be still internally no matter what circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Here are some of my notes from the conference.

Ways NOT to hear from God — 

  • Have no margins in your life. Fill your life with so much activity there is no room to cease striving and know that I am God (Ps. 46:10)
  • Be so self-sufficient that you don’t need to hear from God
  • Respond to every need as if you are the only one who can fix it
  • Be so exhausted that your physical, mental, or emotional fatigue cries out to be satisfied louder than His still small voice (get sleep, exercise, etc)
  • Discounting or ignoring the Holy Spirit (doubt and unbelief)
  • Insist that your comfort zone is all important so that if you did hear from God it would upset the status quo—so you don’t look for Him to speak
  • Be religious. Check off your church activities– attend church, be a part of women’s ministry, etc. rather than sit at the master’s feet.
  • Unconfessed sin blocks His voice
  • Disobedience blocks His voice
  • Hard unforgiving heart
  • Agreement with lies rather than the truth of God’s Word

Being still enables us to hear the Great Shepherd’s voice. He is speaking. Are you listening?

L= Lean into His Presence as you strain to hear His voice

I= Invite His Presence

S= Surrender

T- Tell truth (telling him where you have missed the mark)

E= Empty (repent)

N= Find newness of life

Together as we learn to be still amidst our busy lives, we will find that people will want to know why we stay so peaceful. It’s an opportunity to lead people to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.





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