Being Contagious (Guest Blog)

During this time of social distancing, isolation, and even quarantine, when we are all rightfully focused on not catching or passing the Corvid 19 virus, let me briefly address the mandate to every Christian.
Yesterday as I was praying with my dear friend and Priest Anthony Kowbeidu who has tested positive for the virus, God placed on my heart to thank him for having passed on so many of his attributes of faith. So often I’ve heard Anthony preach that “God has no secret agents!”. Not only has he preached it, Anthony has demonstrated by his life what contagious faith looks like.
The kingdom of God is never spread primarily by preachers speaking to crowds of unconnected strangers nor by mass media. While those can be important and powerful opportunities and ways to communicate the good news of Christ, the kingdom primarily spreads now the same way that it has for 2,000 years. When one Christ follower gets so convinced that Jesus is the Answer, the Way, the Truth and the Life, then he or she gets contagious. And when someone gets contagious, the whole web of relationships that makes up that person’s life, gets infected one life at a time.
That’s how it’s been happening for 2,000 years, from the Book of Acts right to our day. That’s how it happens today. And the Good News of Christ is the “virus “ my brother Anthony has been spreading for decades.
So as we pray for those infected with Corvid 19, including Anthony and our Bishop and head Rector at St. Andrew’s Steve Wood who is on a ventilator in ICU, let’s give thanks for their courage and commitment to passing on the Good News of Christ. They have faithfully responded to the call of God on their lives and have blessed many with their “infectious” witness.
Please join me in giving thanks for these two men of God who mean so much to so many, and who have led so many to the Lord. Please pray for their complete healing and for protection for them, their families and all those within their circle of contact from any lasting effects of this vicious plague, C-19.
Pray for their swift and complete recovery so that soon they can resume their appointed place in the family of God where they carry out that great call and commission to spread the Good News of Christ.
And I pray for you and for me that, even during this time of “social distancing”, we will remain true to the call of God that is on every believer’s life. This is the call to be a light on a hill, an example pointing to Christ Jesus. That is not just a job for Steve and Anthony. That is a job for every child of God.
So, let’s fear not, but be of good cheer and don’t miss an opportunity to pass on the gift of life. Let’s pick up the banner for Steve and Anthony and waive it high.
I’m thankful for each of you and pray today for your safety and health.
And I pray that God will give you eyes to see the next opportunity to love on someone today. Be contagious for Christ. That is the call on your life.


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