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Abiding Space Blog
It seems these days that truth has become a byword for anything and everything one wants to believe. But truth is with a capital T. Truth can only be found in Jesus Christ.
I am often asked how to read Scripture. My response is to allow the Word to read you, to have the Word speak to you as a love letter from God the Father.
Good morning Drawing Near to God friends! I wanted to share with you my teaching from last week’s Teaching and Worship Experience focusing on the book of Philippians. Please join us! There are
You see, sometimes our calendars and schedules can get overbooked and we get worn out from that. And other times it is our anxious thoughts that make us worn out. So that’s what
Welcome to Abiding Space Blog! This morning I want to share with you how to make space in your life to step out in faith when you sense you are called to do
It’s that time of year again when many of us watch summer slipping away and fall begins to emerge. Summer evokes freedom and simplicity even in the way that we dress and fall