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Abiding Space Blog
I am on a search for what it means to be truly humble. The definition of humility, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, is freedom from pride or arrogance. Can anyone then say they are
This week we’ll read the long list of individuals, families and groups that contributed to the work of rebuilding the wall and the gates around Jerusalem. Nehemiah describes exactly where everyone worked, and
Lately, I have been thinking about the difficulty in saying no. No to your kids No to your boss who is overworking you No to your friend who is overstepping boundaries No to
If you are a Christian, you probably desire to see God move and work. As God’s people here on earth, He causes us to desire His kingdom to come here on earth. In
I’m not sure how it happened, but summer break is over, and the school year is in full swing. As much as I love summer, I’m thankful for our school routine. I love
Next week in Drawing Near to God’s Bible study series we will begin our study of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was quite the leader! We have so much to learn concerning his boldness, discernment, handling