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Daily Devotional

Time with the Father is not a box to check off on the to-do list. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the day’s activities that we avoid going to God for fear of what to say, how to pray or just taking the time to slow down.
Daily Devotionals are a beautiful way to stay grounded in our faith. They allow us to enter his throne room with focus and intention and can become a release rather than a burden.

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Abiding Space Blog


Our Guest for today’s blog is Elise Booz. Elise has been an active member of Drawing Near to God Ministry for many years. She and her family are members of St. Andrew’s Church,

I don’t know about you, but I keep hearing people say: ” Is this our new normal?” The last 6 months have proven to be stressful because we are not in control. When

  You may have heard me speak many times about sharing Christ with those around us by sharing Christ within us. As such, I also wanted to share with you this video about

Sometimes I think my mind stays in overdrive. My brain simply will not cut off. Today I have been thinking about a scripture I read in my devotional time. The word shame jumped

This is my dear friend and Drawing Near to God Ministry board member, Mark Andrews with a great blog post on Extravagant Kindness. Ephesians 4:31- 5:2 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger

I had an epiphany this week. Normally, If I am going to worry (although my Mom tells me worrying is a sin:) I worry over the big things, not the little things. But