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Abiding Space Blog
Our Guest for today’s blog is Elise Booz. Elise has been an active member of Drawing Near to God Ministry for many years. She and her family are members of St. Andrew’s Church,
Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come and that His name would be Emmanuel, God with us. There are days when I wonder if God is preoccupied with more important things than me.
Are you sensing that God is calling you out to take a risk, in faith? It can be a scary feeling, but it’s a good place to be. Let’s see what the Word
Although my blogs are read by men and women, this blog is directed primarily to women because women seem to struggle more with feelings of inadequacy, believing we are not enough. Perhaps I
This morning I want to share with you how to make space in your life to step out in faith when you sense you are called to do something- whether it is
As I sit to write this blog today, the question in my heart is: “Has your light been dimmed?” Jesus declared that we are a city on a hill and our light