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Daily Devotional

Time with the Father is not a box to check off on the to-do list. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the day’s activities that we avoid going to God for fear of what to say, how to pray or just taking the time to slow down.
Daily Devotionals are a beautiful way to stay grounded in our faith. They allow us to enter his throne room with focus and intention and can become a release rather than a burden.

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Abiding Space Blog


I am often asked how to read Scripture. My response is to allow the Word to read you, to have the Word speak to you as a love letter from God the Father.

The past few days I have been talking to God about my heart. I was impatient with my husband, irritated with a project I needed to complete, and angry that the pandemic just

    You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13   Throughout the Scriptures, we learn that if we seek God, we will find

As I write this blog, I am thinking about each of you reading it and how world events have impacted us all in very real and stressful ways. I have heard from some

  But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But

Good morning and welcome to Abiding Space blog. Some of you may have discovered us inadvertently but I am glad you are here. Every week we discuss ways to make space for God