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Daily Devotional

Time with the Father is not a box to check off on the to-do list. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the day’s activities that we avoid going to God for fear of what to say, how to pray or just taking the time to slow down.
Daily Devotionals are a beautiful way to stay grounded in our faith. They allow us to enter his throne room with focus and intention and can become a release rather than a burden.

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Abiding Space Blog


Do you know that God cares about your business? Your business – be it in the workforce, entrepreneurial, serving your family, serving your country, or whatever your livelihood consists of – God is

“The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 16:5 Yikes! God detests those who are proud. It’s hard to imagine our Lord as

Let’s face it. Part of the human condition is that we quarrel. We cannot get along with everyone and that is ok. What we can do is understand the root source of our

Who is wise and understanding among you? –James 3:13a Wisdom. Let me tell you, I need some wisdom! I am often reminded of this as I falteringly navigate the years-long task of bringing

“Words are powerful; take them seriously. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” ~Matthew 12:37 As I began to prepare for this week’s lesson,

Over the years, I have been told by unbelievers that faith is a crutch; something people need to get through a crisis. My answer has always been, “It depends on how you define