Finding Your People

I’m not sure how it happened, but summer break is over, and the school year is in full swing. As much as I love summer, I’m thankful for our school routine. I love watching my kids learn and grow, too. They light up when they tell me all they’ve learned, and who they played with. […]

Principles in Nehemiah

Next week in Drawing Near to God’s Bible study series we will begin our study of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was quite the leader! We have so much to learn concerning his boldness, discernment, handling opposition and his unfailing tenacity against all odds. But above all, we see in him a leader that turned to God first […]

Dreaming with God

Consider this statement with me for a minute as we Make Space for God together on this beautiful Monday morning: Every dream must have a plan. Do you have a dream? Do you sense that God is calling you to do something, shift your path, and follow your dreams? I recall listening to a speaker […]

The Ready State

The Ready State My desire is that my life would be useful for God’s glory. I long for Him to assign me tasks that I might jump into and make a difference for His kingdom. This desire is all the result of the Holy Spirit working inside of me to change me, I know it […]

Ready… Set… School!

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 As summer draws to a close, school is starting up. Eagerly returning college students make plans to see their friends and prepare for a new semester. Purchases are made for living and learning away from home. The school-aged children […]

Truth Is

How many times have you heard someone say, “ The truth is….” It’s just something we say when we want to emphasize that what we are getting ready to say is the honest truth. The problem is that there are so many ideas, philosophies and religions that purport to be telling the truth. As Christians, […]

Living Water

Take a moment with me and close your eyes. Envision yourself floating down a river. I can visualize this easily as I am sitting beside a river as I write. Now think about floating down the river allowing the tide to pull you. I can envision that as well because I live on the coast […]

Come to the Water

…The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14, ESV Do you long for a drink of cool, refreshing water during the hot summer days? Ice cool water with a slice of lemon, or for an extra special treat with a maraschino […]

Yes You Can

I grew up in a can-do family. We all knew what was expected of us and we tried our best to do it. Perseverance was my Dad’s favorite word and he instilled this in each of his three daughters. As a Christian, I learned that this can-do quality can be great, but also could cause […]

Freedom for our Minds

Happy 4th of July Week! I hope you have the chance to celebrate the independence we have in the United States and reflect on the freedom we are granted. In that light, I want to talk a little bit about freedom for our minds. We all get caught up in lies, offenses and what I […]