Crisis is Revealing

This last week in preparation for a Category 5 hurricane we all witnessed some amazing things. We were able to see how resilient and strong people really are. Currently as I am writing this blog, Florida is being hit on all sides and the weather channel is describing the catastrophic results. But here is what […]

The Bigger Story

Today was a wonderful day – women from all over Charleston gathered together for fellowship, worship, prayer and teaching as we began a study of Ruth and Esther. Today was just an introduction and next week we’ll dive into an overview of Ruth – it’s never too late to join! In fact, there are 3 […]

The Harvest is Plentiful…

Today is Labor Day. Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the prosperity and well being of the country. For many Americans, Labor Day also marks the beginning of the school year […]

Peace Like a River

Earlier this week I talked about how Peace and Joy are Not Options. Rather, Jesus pours His peace into us through His Holy Spirit. With that theme in mind, I want to share with you this entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional. For those of you who follow my blog, you may know […]

Peace and Joy are Not Options

Today’s subject on Making Space Mondays is based on the Scripture Romans 14:17: For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  What strikes me in this Scripture is that as believers, a part of God’s kingdom, we cannot opt out of kingdom […]

Guest Post – From Death to Life

Today I want to share with you a guest post from a friend of my daughter’s, Caroline Reynolds. Caroline teaches 2nd grade in Greenville. When she isn’t educating the youth of America or babysitting, she can probably be found going for a long run, at a Clemson athletic event, maybe reading a book, or hanging out […]

The Eclipse God Moment

Today marks a historic event– the solar eclipse. For our nation, this will be the first coast to coast total eclipse in 99 years (1918). Additionally, it will be the first total solar eclipse of its kind for the US since 1776 when we became a nation. The path 67 miles wide from Oregon to […]

Ordinary People with Extraordinary Power

Earlier this week I shared a post about A Dose of God Confidence. Did that resonate with you? I sense that so many women see themselves as “ordinary” but what we all need is a dose of “God confidence,” which comes from spending time with Him and in His Word. He equips us and leads […]

A Dose of God Confidence

Good morning, Making Space for God friends! I love Mondays when we get together to discuss ways to allow the Holy Spirit to get into our business. Don’t sign off yet – it really isn’t that anxiety producing. Jesus came and left us His promise to send the Holy Spirit to lead us, come alongside […]


Today at a Meet & Greet event we hosted here in Charleston, I talked about “What’s in Your Backpack?” This was just a teaser for what we’re going to unpack this semester as we study the amazing women of Ruth & Esther. And if you missed it, no worries! You can still join us this fall […]