Did God Really Say?

Today is another glorious day as we seek to Make Space for God together. I am sitting outside listening to the birds and marveling at God’s creation. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit […]

One Spirit

Today I want to talk about unity. Unity has been on my heart for a long time now – unity for our nation, families, churches and communities, and unity with Christ. In fact, Unity: Bringing Hearts Together is the theme for our upcoming Drawing Near to God Conference next week, April 13-14 at Ashley River […]

Resurrection Perspective

Easter morning…. the tomb was empty. It was the single most significant event ever to transpire. Jesus Christ rose from the grave!! Mary was weeping… and then rejoicing when she discovered that Jesus was alive. All hope was buried in the tomb but the grave could not hold him. Today is the Monday after Easter […]

Rejoicing in God’s Word

Today was a day of celebration! You see, Drawing Near to God Ministry hosted our annual Celebration Luncheon earlier today. This is a special time each year when we come together and celebrate all that God has done in our midst during the ministry year. Keeping with the theme of celebration, I want to share […]

Worn Out?

Today in my Making Space for God blog, I want to discuss an epidemic that I see in Christian circles–  being worn out. I can easily recognize the symptoms. When asked how you are doing the response is, “I am busy!” Or perhaps I see the same glazed over look in their eyes as I […]

Being A Kingdom of God Woman

Today in our study of Ephesians, we looked at Ephesians 5:21-33. This text often gets people talking because it deals with submission, particularly in the realm of marriage. As you know, I often share my notes from my teachings here on the blog. So first, let’s dive a little into marriage as the text lays […]

Taking Back the Ground

Good morning Making Space for God friends! Recently someone prayed for me to take back the land. Honestly I did not know why she prayed that, but upon reflecting, I knew it was the Lord. I thought about all the prayers I had been praying for years and more specifically how I was praying. My […]


Today in our study of Ephesians, we looked at Righteousness. The Scriptures for today’s lesson is Ephesians 5:5-21. These verses show that we are called be righteous, imitators of God. I started out my teaching today with a video. You can watch it here or embedded on the blog: This video helps demonstrate our text for today. You […]

The Enemy Destroyed

Those of you who follow my blog regularly know that right now we are the midst of studying Ephesians at our Teaching & Worship Experience each week. I often share my teaching notes on the blog but today I want to share with you Scripture from Ephesians that I used in one of my daily […]

Keep it Simple

This weekend I kept thinking of ways to simplify my life. My New Year’s resolution (after praying and asking the Lord what was on His heart) was to be intentional, strategic and to simplify. Part of me thought that was just wishful thinking. But I committed this to prayer seeking God’s will for my life […]