Purpose and Direction

Dear friends, every week we look at ways to make space for God and this week I want to discuss purpose and direction. If you are a living-breathing-walking-on-earth person you have a destiny ordained by God. You are significant because you are His creation, His beloved and a daughter or son of the King. If […]

Video Blog – Faith Risk

Are you sensing that God is calling you out to take a risk, in faith? It can be a scary feeling, but it’s a good place to be. Let’s see what the Word of God says in this video blog. Watch below or at this link.               To receive […]

Ultimate Freedom

Happy 4th of July week! For those of us who live in the United States, we have a unique home founded and based on our freedom. When I googled: ” United States Freedom” what came up was the following: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, free market. The foundation of our country […]

A Thankful Heart Transforms

As many of you who read my blog know, as the New Year began, I sensed the Lord saying that this was the year of transformation. Today I want to talk to you about one aspect of transformation – thankfulness. This can be hard – to give thanks in all circumstances. But it does bring […]

Tell Your Heart To Beat Again

Good morning making space for God friends! Some of you know that I have written a book titled “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.” The book is a call to Christians, to reposition yourself for God to use you for His glory. Jesus describes Christians corporately as a “city on a hill”; that we are […]

God is Near to the Broken-Hearted

Today I want to share with you a video that features some of the toys that are in my grandchildren’s playroom at my house. This may seem silly at first – these toys were played with by my children and now my grandchildren and have seen their share of wear and tear – but they […]

God’s Timing & Your Destiny

Good morning! Today I want to share with you an “oldie but a goodie.” This is a short video teaching about a question that so many women share that they are struggling with —  “What is my destiny?” This teaching is based on the book of Esther, which we’ll be studying, along with Ruth, this […]

What is Your Message?

Good morning Making Space for God friends! This morning I want to challenge you to think about something I recently heard: Our mess of yesterday can become our message today…. How true this is? It’s easy to look at our failures– the things that we wished we had not done, or our messes– when things […]

Christian Standard of Living

Earlier this week, I wrote about our call as Christians to rise up in Christ and live a joy-filled life. You can read that post here. Today I want to share with you an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional with that same theme – that true joy comes from the Lord. This […]

Don’t Postpone Joy

Sometimes I find myself saying things like:  Tomorrow will be a better day. Or If I do (blank) then I will find joy. Or… If I buy this new thing it will make me feel better. Or if I had more money… You get where I am going with this. Let’s face it. It’s easy […]