Take Time for Rest

Can you believe June is here? We’re coming out of the hectic school year and month of May and entering into the summertime, a season when many people look forward to longer days and a lighter pace.  Today I want to share with you an entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional. The writings […]

In the Wilderness

This morning I want to share with you today’s entry from my Drawing Near to God 365-day devotional.  This entry is about the times when we wander into the “wilderness” of complaining, self-pity or feeling separated from God. But God never forsakes us! If you’re interested in reading more entries from this devotional book, you […]

Acknowledging God’s Greatness

Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him this favor in the presence of this man. Nehemiah 1:11 Nehemiah models prayer for us in a compelling way. His prayer […]

GPS Assistance

Good morning, Making Space for God friends! I love Monday mornings when we connect together to find space in our lives for God. Today I want us to look at our need for direction. Everyone needs direction. If we don’t have direction in our lives we run aground. We can’t get where we are going […]

Keep Your Eyes on Me

I had a conversation today with someone about faith in our circumstances and so I thought I would share with all of you an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. As you may know, this devotional is a compilation of journal entries from my personal quiet times with the Lord. These writings come out […]

Identity Confusion

Much has been said about gender confusion these days. The reality is that there is another issue that causes confusion and at its core it can be the culprit for confusion at many levels. I am not addressing the issue of gender confusion. I will leave that to the professionals. In itself it can cause […]

Lack of Trust

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a Scripture that has been on my heart lately so today I thought I would share with you an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional about this verse. No matter what situation we might find ourselves facing today, it is important that we remember to seek the Lord and His wisdom, trusting in […]

Buried in Stress

Friends, since this blog is about making space for God I am going to be very frank with you. More and more Christians seem to be stressed out, overcommitted, having little time for breaks in the day. Ruth Haley Barton describes this indicating that we are not able to be present in the moment because […]

No Weapon Forged Will Prosper

  Wouldn’t you love to know that every unjust accusation made against you is ineffective? Life would take on a different perspective if we knew that there was a big sign that came up over our lives anytime a false accusation is made that said:  Sting ineffective. Well I have good news for you. This is […]

Forgive Them Anyway

This week I drove by a sign in front of someone’s office. It caused me to stop and think. Are people often unreasonable irrational and self-centered? Perhaps so. So that brings up another question: Should we really forgive unreasonable irrational people? The world in which we live is very different than the world in which […]