
Today we had our annual “Celebration Luncheon” where we celebrated everything that God has done in our midst during this Bible study year. These past two semesters have been amazing, full of transformation, healing and love. Our last semester we studied how “God is Real” in our lives and this semester we journeyed through the Gospel of John together.  You can catch up on the streaming from today and from past lessons from both semesters here.

At this luncheon, we were able to gather together as old friends and also make some new ones too! One of my favorite parts of the luncheon every year is that we get to hear from our sisters how God has worked in their lives.  There are so many stories I hear on a weekly basis but today I want to share with you some stories and testimonies that we heard today via a video from three of our sisters, Jana, Robin and Leslie. We are so grateful to you all for sharing — we celebrate with you what God has done!



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