Changing Seasons



Friends, one of the most difficult things to discern is the change of seasons in our lives. I led a retreat last weekend on finding our sacred space and discovered that there is an epidemic happening called busyness. It’s good to be productive and God wants us to use our gifts for His glory, but there is something else happening…

People are beginning to lose their way. The epidemic seems to be particularly acute with women and I believe it is an assignment from the enemy to keep us out of our God given lane of purpose and onto the highway of craziness. I know this because I am a woman and I have known seasons of craziness when I was all over the map trying to find the right highway; the highway that when traveled, brings a sense of belonging, well being and rest.

My Making Space for God Monday blogs, are all about making space for God, however they have never been about creating an environment where we eliminate all that we are doing. They are about creating sacred space for God to have His way in our lives– to lead us by His Holy Spirit and by design into our daily destinies.

I truly believe that the enemy of our souls has sent out a recording to be played into our ears:

Keep pushing, keep striving, keep up…. you can do it all. 

He plays this recording to drown out the peaceful voice of our Shepherd who says:

Be still and know that I am God. 

So what can be done? First of all, take a look at all that is on your “plate” of life. Seek the Lord and ask Him what is of His design and purpose and what is of your design? You will be surprised at what comes off your plate and how little you have left on it after you have had your time with the Lord.

Find your lane. Do what only you can do in service to God. Are you in the right job? Are you volunteering to serve in ways that stress you or ways that bring you life? What do you have on life support and what do you need to release? These are some questions that as you seek the Lord you will find His answers.

Peace and Rest

Peace and rest come in the intentional decision to find God’s lane. The highway you may be on in this season of life may be brisk, or it may be a slower season, but regardless if it is not God’s highway you may be in trouble. Your internal peace may be at risk. Now on a practical level:

In order to lead a peaceful restful life you must consider the following:

  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Are you eating properly and exercising?
  • Are you reading the Word as a homework assignment or as a love letter?
  • Are you spending time doing the things that you enjoy with people you enjoy?

Children, family, job and relationships are all demanding, however if you do not take care of yourself you are not going to be effective in any of those areas.

Examine the season that you are in. I do that often. Has the season changed and I am still living in an old paradigm that is wearing me out? Sometimes it is difficult to let go of the old and embrace the new, but Jesus stands at the door and knocks. He is ready to take you through the threshold and into the new season. He is trustworthy and the only One who brings you true rest and peace.

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