Come Out of Hiding

Good morning, Making Space for God friends. I always enjoy our time together on Making Space Mondays, unpacking topics that impact our spiritual growth. Recently I have been working on preparing notes for a retreat entitled, “Come Out of Hiding,” and as the Lord often does, I sensed the Holy Spirit working in me, exposing areas where I need to take off my mask and deal with something. The false-self rises up and does his happy dance when we make choices to hide our real lives consisting of real stuff like guilt, shame, stress, unforgiveness, etc. No one wants to expose those things. Better to keep those skeletons in the closet.

But God…. so loved the world that He sent His only Son to bring us life eternal and freedom. No masks allowed in the kingdom of freedom. In preparation for the retreat, I kept tripping up on my fear of being found out. My imperfect life exposed before all of these women who are coming to me for wisdom on how to come out of hiding. I recognized “old red legs” who kept whispering his lies that I am a hypocrite.

But God… with His Truth spoke to me through His Word:

My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made available through your weakness; for your weakness is my strength. 

Now talk about freedom. The cross meets the place of my weakness, my own unforgiveness, or stress or shame. The cross intersects my powerless life and gives me the power to be transformed by the renewing of my mind through God’s Word. My imperfect life exposed under the transforming power of God’s Truth would enable those who were hiding to come out of hiding; those who were dealing with issues stuffed down deep to come clean.

Friends, all of us have issues and areas where God is not finished with us. All of us have real lives with real problems.

But God… is ever ready to take our places of hiding and bring them into the light for our freedom.

Would love to hear from you how God has done this in your life. Let us be a community of Making Space for God folks who are willing to take off our masks and surrender to the work of God in us. Whew… now doesn’t that sound amazing? It’s truth that truly sets us free.

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