Come Out of Hiding

Good morning, friends. Today I want to talk about our need to be honest with God about those things we’d much rather keep hidden in the closets of our soul.  We all have areas where we need to take off our mask and allow our Abba Father to heal us. However, the false-self rises up and does his happy dance when we make choices to hide our authentic self consisting of real stuff like guilt, shame, stress, unforgiveness, etc. No one wants to expose those things. Better to keep those skeletons in the closet.

But God…. so loved the world that He sent His only Son to bring us life eternal and freedom. No masks allowed in the kingdom of freedom. God speaks these powerful words to use in scripture:

My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made available through your weakness; for your weakness is my strength. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Now talk about freedom. The cross meets the place of our weakness, unforgiveness, stress or shame. The cross intersects our powerless life and gives us the power to be transformed by the renewing of our minds through God’s Word. When our imperfect life is exposed under the transforming power of God’s Truth we are enabled to come out  of hiding; those who were dealing with issues stuffed down deep to come clean.

Friends, all of us have issues and areas where God is not finished with us. All of us have real lives with real problems. But God… is ever ready to take our places of hiding and bring them into the light for our freedom.

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