Compromising God’s Purposes

….when the people of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai, they resorted to a ruse. They went as a delegation whose donkeys were loaded with worn out sacks and old wineskins, cracked and mended. The men put worn and patched sandals on their feet and wore old clothes. All of the bread of their food supply was dry and moldy. Then they went to Joshua in the camp of Gilgal and said to him and the men of Israel, “we have come from a distant country; make a treaty with us.”

Joshua 9:3-6


God has a plan, and His plan is perfect. His plan for the world and His plan for our lives will be revealed as we seek Him and as we obey Him. It may seem that your life is spinning out of control, but if you trust God, He will make your path straight. (Proverbs 3:5) There are so many things in life that make it appear that God has forgotten us: unanswered prayers, family members or friends that die unexpectedly, opportunities lost. But the truth is that God has not forsaken you. He has a plan, and His purposes will prevail:

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21) It is very easy to make plans without consulting the Lord, and yet He wants us to follow His plan.

There are times when we forget to seek God’s counsel. For example, Joshua did not consult God when the Gibeonites came to make a treaty with the Israelites. The people of Gibeon resorted to a ruse when they heard that the Israelites had defeated Jericho. They were afraid that they would endure the same fate, so they sent a delegation loaded with worn out sacks and old wineskins pretending to have come from far away. They were actually located just North of Jerusalem, but they wanted to trick Joshua and the Israelites into believing that they came from a distant land. Joshua did not consult the Lord. The men of Israel sampled their provisions, but did not inquire of the Lord.

Then Joshua made a treaty of peace with them… (Joshua 9:14-15) Three days after they made the treaty with the Gibeonites, the Israelites heard that they were neighbors living near them. The Israelites were deceived into making a treaty with the Canaanites, disobeying God’s command to destroy them.

When we forget to seek the Lord for His purposes and plans, we end up compromising and the consequences can be devastating.

Are you suffering from compromising God’s purposes for your life by not seeking Him? Do not be deceived by the enemy. His goal is to thwart God’s purposes for your life. Turn back to God and seek Him.

Heavenly Father,

Forgive me for not seeking You. I have been deceived and I ask You to redeem my mistake. Help me to remember to seek You daily so that I can walk in Your plan and purpose for my life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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