Consuming Fire

Good afternoon, Drawing Near to God community! We are continuing our journey through my study, Living in God’s Presence. The theme of this week is “Consuming Fire.” In this week’s study, we looked at Moses’ encounter with God through the burning bush. Here’s a short video clip that we watched that really brings the story alive —

In Moses’ story, what the enemy intended for evil, God turned for good.  Moses saw an injustice and he ran.

But God…

God sees an injustice and He sends a burning bush — He sets us up for an encounter with Him. Where is your burning bush today? Where do you need a burning bush today?

Here are a few things we learn from Moses’ story about seeking the face of God.

  • Make space to see your burning bush
  • Remove sandals when approaching a Holy God
  • Turn towards God
  • When we turn, we hear His voice
  • Obedience leads to more God encounters
You see, it’s the hungry heart that hears best. God will allow things in your life that will make you hungry for him. That’s some food for thought, isn’t it?
But there are three things that keep us from our God encounters:
  • Fear
  • Unbelief
  • Busyness

So what do we do? Fear, unbelief and busyness are removed when we make space for:

  • The Word
  • Worship
  • Fellowship

Where do you need to make space today? I encourage you to make space for God and share with me how you’re doing that in the comments below! And as always, you can join us in this journey through the study by joining us live or via streaming.

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