
And he said, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.

I Kings 19:14


Elijah, the prophet of God, was exhausted. God used him in a miraculous way to call down fire from heaven, and now he found himself fleeing for his life. He was afraid, alone, and ended up in a cave. The Lord appeared to him to ask what he was doing in the cave, and Elijah replied that after all of his zeal, after all of his hard work, the prophets of God had been killed and the Israelites had forsaken God. He had decided that his hard work in demonstrating God’s power was wasted. He was the only one left.

God told Elijah to go out on the mountain because He was going to pass by.

God was not in the earthquake, fire, or wind. He came with a gentle whisper and spoke to Elijah. God told Elijah that he was mistaken; there were 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed down to Baal – who served God and were standing with him.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a cave like Elijah. We have been zealous for the Lord working hard to serve Him, but discouragement finds a place when we take our eyes off of God. Our perspective can be off and we may fall into believing a lie like Elijah. Suddenly we think we are all alone and we find ourselves in a cave. God comes and reminds us in the whisper of our lives that He is there and that there are other people who stand with us.

Have you found yourself in a cave, burned out and alone? Look up and wait for the Lord to come; He will not be in the earthquakes of life, or the fire; He comes quietly to comfort and point you back home.

Heavenly Father, I am burned out. I realize that I have lost my perspective and that I have been so busy doing things for You that I have forgotten to spend time with You. Help me get out of my cave and look up; help me see that there are others who love and serve You and are willing to come alongside me in this journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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