Dividing the Promised Land

“How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord,

the God of your ancestors, has given you?”

~Joshua 18:3


Have you ever read a scripture that instantly touched your heart with truth, with conviction, perhaps with discipline? This is one of those scriptures for me. As I sat down to prepare for this week’s lesson, God’s word spoken through Joshua pierced my spirit in a way I was not expecting. I was instantly humbled. Have I taken possession of the land God has given me? Have I claimed His promises and walked in victory knowing that He has gone before me? If I’m honest, I don’t know that I can say, “yes.” Several years ago, God guided me across one of my deepest Jordan rivers and He successfully brought me to the other side. But I now realize that it’s the other side where I still stand; and often, I find myself grumbling. This scripture reminded me that there is more work to be done. That the God of heaven and earth is waiting for me to claim ownership of my inheritance. I know in my heart that my story has yet to be completed. So, what holds me back?


This week at teaching and worship we will be studying Joshua chapters 13 through 19. We are now entering the part of Joshua’s story that records and assigns the inherited land to the 12 tribes of Israel. We read lists upon lists of boundary lines specifically outlining how each parcel is to be divided. These chapters are unlike the ones previously studied; they lack the excitement of a historical story. I found myself quickly skimming through the sections because it felt as if I was reading a map with no pictures! I became indifferent. But God showed me something. Yes, the chapters lack interest, but they are immensely important. These few chapters highlight God’s promise made to Abraham; the promise that God would build a great nation from his family. Friends, we are witnessing the fulfillment of God’s word!



“Lord, You alone are my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have

a delightful inheritance.”

~Psalm 16:5-6


I love the Psalms. We can relate to them because they express the heart and soul of humanity: our feelings and our emotions. We can join David in praise and worship, or we can find comfort in his words during times of distress. In Psalm 16, David is rejoicing in his relationship with God. The Lord alone is his inheritance and it’s secure, pleasant, and delightful. God was laying the boundaries of David’s spiritual land. And God offers this same ‘land’ to us today! But before we can claim it, we must acknowledge that our strength to persevere comes only from Him, that He is all we need, and that our hearts will beat with contentment not complaint as we go forward.


Our spiritual promised lands await. The boundaries have been specifically designed. Through His strength, we are being ushered into places of greater service and usefulness for Him. But we must be mindful not to allow the comfort and security of our present positions to steer us away from God’s purposes. He is waiting for us. He is waiting for us to take hold of our land and to claim our inheritance. And He promises to protect us along the way.


What territory has He given you to conquer? This territory is your promised land. Join me this Thursday as we navigate the road toward our own inheritance. Together, let’s discover why we may be holding ourselves back from believing that God has equipped us with all we need to fulfill His purposes.


Friends, let your faith grow knowing God keeps His word. He has made us heirs of all His blessings…and that’s a promise!


Hope to see you then, God Bless


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