Do Not Grow Weary

 Good morning Making Space for God community! This morning I want to encourage you and likewise myself not to grow weary. Most of our country has been practicing social distancing and some full on quarantine for a month now, and some are growing weary. We all want to get back to normal. The problem is we also recognize that for now we are living in a new normal. As more businesses are opening back up and people are finally feeling a bit more freedom to enter back into life’s activities, there is also a lingering sense of fear that we are not safe.

This morning I was reflecting on Galatians 6:9:

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 

My husband is on the front lines and pretty weary.  Earphones by the way are so he cannot hear me talking

Paul has previously in this letter told believers to bear one another’s burdens, and then he exhorts them to sow not to the flesh but to the Spirit. During this pandemic we are naturally fearful and some days anxious, however we are reminded that this is the time when we need to sow in the Spirit. This means that we dig deep with God and start growing deeper spiritual roots. We surrender our fear, and allow the Holy Spirit to build peace within our souls.

Paul told the Galatians not to give up; not to grow weary. How to do this? He tells us.

So then as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10). 

He is reminding us that this is the time to reach out to others. When we find ourselves growing weary reaching out to others will actually refresh us. I have found such joy these days in reaching out to my friends; in using Zoom as a tool to stay connected; in smiling and laughing at the funny Corona jokes. I have wept with those who have lost loved ones, and prayed with those who have sick friends or family members. The emotions are up and down but God is our steady anchor. Take a moment and watch this video.



Breathe in God’s fresh wind and seek opportunities to do good. Weariness my come back to poke at you in the storm,  but remember that in reaching out beyond your circumstances to others who are enduring hardship, you will find peace in your own soul.

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