Does it even matter?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “She is so heavenly-minded that she is no earthly good?”

This spring, we have been reading through the gospel of Matthew and coming to understand the kingdom of God: the culture of the kingdom, the character of kingdom citizens, and the heart of the King.

Jesus came to bring the kingdom of heaven here on earth. He taught his followers to pray, “Our Father in heaven…Your kingdom come, Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.”

The Bible teaches that this earth is not our home, but that when You become a citizen of God’s kingdom, you should long for the heavenly home that will be your dwelling place in eternity.

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” –Colossians 3:1-2

If I am just passing through this earth on my way to heaven, then why should anything that I do really matter? Should I be so heavenly-minded that I am no earthly good?

If that were so, then I don’t think that Jesus would have taught us to pray for His kingdom to come here on earth as it is in heaven.

If that were so, it would be better for God to sweep every brand new believer away and up to heaven upon the moment of belief. But instead, He has decided that we should continue to live out life here on earth. God never makes any decision carelessly.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” –Matthew 24:35

Jesus said that this earth will pass away, but also that heaven will pass away! Maybe this surprises you? We are promised a heavenly home forever. How can we have a heavenly home forever if it passes away and is no more?

Jesus said that His words will not pass away. Anywhere and anything that has come under His authority will not pass away. He is re-creating a new earth and a new heaven to be united as one kingdom joyfully and fully submitted to His kingly reign. God is going to take every part of you and every part of this earth that has come under His dominion, and preserve it and protect it for all time!

This means that every day you spend here on earth is of utmost value! The decision is before you. The call to come into His presence and allow your life to merge into God’s will is part of a bigger promise than just experiencing His goodness for today! It is a call to walk into good works prepared ahead of time, which will last for all time and beyond. Any work that you do in and of yourself will pass away, but any work that is produced by the vine of Christ will never pass away.

God cares deeply about what goes on in this earthly place. He cares so deeply that the previously un-bodied Son chose to take on a human body and walk this earth in order to save you and to save the earth.

Once Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven, did He shed his human body? Did He shed the work that He did on earth in favor of a heavenly home? No! He remains fully God and fully man forever! The work that Jesus did in taking on human form, suffering, dying, and being raised in a resurrection body remains forever. The scars on His hands and side, the work that they accomplished, remain on His resurrection body in heaven at this very moment.

Can any work of God be thwarted or wiped away? No! Any area of your life that you allow to be redeemed from slavery into His freedom must remain forever, just as Jesus promised that His word will never pass away.

Anything that, by God’s power, you work to redeem in this world will by no means pass away. What you do and the works you do in this earthly life matter.

Will you ask Jesus, the only one whose works remain forever, what He wants to do in you and through you today? It is for the sake of His forever kingdom.



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