Dreaming with God

Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger wait for it; it will certainly not delay.

Habakkuk 2:2-3

The prophet Habakkuk receives a revelation from God concerning the fall of Babylon, which occurred in 539 BC, about 66 years after Habakkuk’s prophecy. The Lord told him to write the revelation down plainly so messengers could deliver the message. The Lord delivered His message through Habakkuk that the fall of Babylon would come only in the time appointed by God. In the meantime, Judah needed to be faithful to God and await His justice to be meted out.

Years ago as I read this Scripture, the Holy Spirit spoke to me concerning a ministry called Drawing Near to God that the Lord was leading me to establish. He told me to write out the vision that He gave me, making it plain so that others could run with the vision. The ministry began as a Bible study and grew into a ministry of prayer, compassionate care, and a Bible program for children. The Lord laid on my heart a course for the ministry.

After several years, I became discouraged as I worked toward the fulfillment of this vision. The Lord spoke again as I grew impatient. He reminded me that the revelation or vision awaited an appointed time. God may give us vision and direction, but we have to wait on His timing. I remembered the scripture in Habakkuk describing Habakkuk’s word concerning Babylon: even though the fulfillment of the prophecy may linger, the people were instructed to wait expectantly. (v.3)

Proverbs 29:18 tells us that where there is no revelation (vision), people perish or cast off restraints. People need God-ordained vision in order to follow a course and purpose in life. Without vision, we perish because we are created to fulfill God’s purposes on earth. Sometimes we become discouraged as we sense that God is calling us to do something, yet doors do not open as we anticipate and things do not work out as we expect. If God has given you the vision, He will fulfill it in His time. Remain faithful to the vision and He will bring it to pass.

As you approach the New Year, you may have considered making a New Year’s resolution. This year, seek the Lord’s heart and ask Him to give you vision and revelation of His call for the New Year. Then faithfully follow His lead and wait on His timing. Though the fulfillment may linger, it will surely come to pass.

Heavenly Father,

As the New Year approaches, give me eyes to see and ears to hear Your vision for my life.

Give me a fresh perspective on old visions unfulfilled and an expectant and trusting heart to know that what You ordain, You will fulfill.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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