Effective Prayer

‘The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power.’ – James 5:16 (Amp.)

Hello, Making Space for God community! This week, our study of Isaiah continued with a look at the topic of effective prayer. In the passage above, from the book of James, we recognize that prayer is a powerful weapon in the hand of every believer. We must all learn to recognize that our prayers are powerful and effective!

Here are some general facts about prayer:

  • Prayer does not come naturally
  • Prayer nourishes Christ in us
  • Prayer is the way we get to know God.
  • Prayer is worship
  • Prayer changes us

Just as anything that we want to grow, our prayer lives need to be cultivated. What does your prayer life look like?

Here are a few examples of types of prayer:

  • Bold Expectant prayer
  • Ask in My Name
  • Faith and Prayer
  • Persistent Prayer

My prayer for each one of you is that you would come into a greater understanding of your citizenship in heaven – and that because you are a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, you are righteous. You are the righteousness of God – and because of this, your prayers are effective and carry great power! I invite each one of you to press in to this truth a little bit more today.

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