Elohim God

This week I have been in the mountains of North Carolina. It has been a great week of physical exercise – climbing mountains, refreshment of my soul (time to read, meditate, ponder, be creative), and time for reflection on God’s nature as Elohim God.

The majesty of the mountains reflects the majesty of God

The beauty of the streams and lakes reflects the water of His Spirit….

The magnificence of the tall forest pines and the wildflowers reflect the beauty of the world that He has created…

Elohim is one of the most common names of God meaning God of strength and power. We first see this name in Genesis 1:1.

In the beginning Elohim created heaven and earth. 

Elohim is grammatically plural rather than singular. This does not imply polytheism, but instead connotes a plural of the majestic qualities of God; His all powerful greatness that leads us to an understanding of the New Testament concept of a Triune God– the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

As I spent time in the mountains this week, I reconnected with God’s greatness and majesty.  Sometimes I wonder if the enemy of our souls wants to keep us so busy and distracted that we are unable to connect with our Creator and with the beauty of His Creation. Perhaps you are feeling this way as well. One way that I try to fill this need to connect with God, is to unplug and take a walk focusing on Him alone and the beauty of His creation.  Friends, our souls are craving connection; foremost with God and then with others. Are you making time to connect?

This morning, I want to share a few scriptures with you that speak of the majesty of God as Creator. I hope that these Scriptures help you renew or even begin a connection to our Creator Elohim. And… don’t put off going for a walk or spending time outside of your normal day routine to connect with Him. It will be the most fruitful time of your day.

If you cannot join our Drawing Near to God community for our fall class on Philippians either in person or streaming, consider signing up for our winter session on the Names of God. We will spend time capturing the essence of God through His names such as Elohim. As I wrote that particular study guide and researched the names of God, my heart of worship took flight. It was a life changing experience growing in my understanding of the beauty, power and character of God through His holy and sacred names.

John 1:3- Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.

Psalm 96:11-Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound and all that is in it.

Psalm 95-In His hand are the depths of the earth, the mountains belong to Him The sea is His and He made it and His hand forms the dry land. 


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