Facing Your Goliaths

This week as we continue our Making Space Mondays, my topic is facing our fears– our Goliaths; those things that threaten to take us down. I saw a post this week on our Drawing near Facebook that was so powerful:

David, a shepherd boy, one day called to be King of Israel, learned to face his giants in the field as he guarded his sheep. He was their protector from predators and took his job seriously. One day he went to take supplies to the battle field where the Philistines and the Israelites were preparing to fight. There was a Philistine giant who taunted the Israelites:

Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Sokoh in Judah…The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another with a valley between them. A champion named Goliath who was from Gath came out of the Philistine camp. His height was six cubits and a span. (I Samuel 17). 

Let’s just put it this way he was a formidable giant and he taunted the Israelites saying choose a man and have him come down to fight me. Saul and the Israelites were terrified. Can’t blame them.

Friends, this is the way that the enemy taunts us — with fear. He looks big and scary.  But the truth is God is more powerful and greater than any enemy we face.

What are you facing right now? Has fear gripped you and made you anxious? Let’s look at how we bring this giant of fear down by picking up the story of David, the shepherd. At his Dad’s instruction, he went to take supplies of food to the battle field and overheard the giant. His response? He agreed to fight the giant. Why? Because His God was bigger.

You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied. 

Go David! When he faced Goliath he did not talk about how dangerous Goliath was. He talked about how great God is.

And that my friends is the answer to fear. When fear comes knocking on your door, stand up and say NO. And remind yourself that fear must always bow down to the power of God’s greatness.

Perfect love casts out all fear. (I John 4:18)

To learn what the Lord has done through our study of Romans and Following the Call, join us at our Celebration Luncheon, March 26th – 10am, Seacoast Church, 750 Longpoint Road, Mt. Pleasant.  Click here to register.


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