Finding Your Destiny

Good morning, Making space for God friends! How are you going to make space for Him today? Why not start your day by asking the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see and ears to hear what He wants you to see and hear. Together, let’s open our hearts to live into our destiny for each day. I start my days with this simple prayer:

Here I am Lord, the one that you love. Show me what you would have me do today. Let me follow the leading of your Holy Spirit so I will not miss what you are doing on earth and will willingly participate. 

A few years ago, I did an experiment to see how effective this prayer was in reality. I have my calendar on my iPhone and daily I add my appointments. Each day I held my calendar before the Lord, saying that prayer. And many days my schedule would change. We all know that happens to each of us. I left the original appointment on my calendar and added the new appointment. Consistently I could see God’s hand moving my schedule around for His plans. It was one of the most amazing things to see. All from a simple prayer of surrender reminding myself that my life is His and my days are His. 

Friends, we each have a destiny and purpose to fulfill in Christ. He thought of everything to insure our success, sending His Holy Spirit to guide, lead and direct our paths. Our part is to surrender, submit our lives to Him daily. It is so thrilling to know that we are part of a greater plan; a God directed plan and that He is using our lives in significant ways. Women tell me all the time that they are searching for significance. They may not express it that way but here is what I hear:

Does me life count for anything (especially the daily grind for mothers changing diapers or raising teenagers)?

Does God care about me?

What is the call on my life?

What is my purpose?

Beloved friends, these are good questions. The answer lies in seeking the Lord as the branch to the vine; staying so connected that when the Holy Spirit gives you a nudge you move in that direction; knowing that your life is in His hands and has great value.

We often trip up on finding our destiny because we are looking for a big thing we are supposed to be doing. Hollywood has warped our perspective of our lives. We are meant for stardom but stardom in the kingdom of God is servanthood. It is in our laying down our lives daily in service to our Lord that brings us a sense of purpose.

So let’s start our week together by agreeing to give the Lord our calendars. We are all busy in one way or another but how awesome will it be when we see what God is up to, in and through our lives?

For the eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2 Chronicles 16:()


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