Fly High or Dive Deep?

Good afternoon, Making Space for God friends! I love “Making Space Monday” blog where I get to share my thoughts with you about ways to grow in our Christian faith. This morning, I have been thinking about whether or not I am the kind of person that likes to fly high or dive deep. Not sure why this thought came to me, but perhaps it will be helpful to you as I share what I think it means.

There are people who like to sprint and those who prefer a longer run that is not as fast. There are people who like to process things slowly, and those who like to process quickly and get on with life. But I have found that there are people who operate their lives often seeking a big picture perspective.  Visionaries, fly high with their thoughts and are always asking the question: “What is the big picture here?” Then there are those people who dive deep in their thoughts and often they are good with details and figuring out how to help their high flying friends accomplish their vision. What I have come to recognize is the value of the body of Christ in accomplishing both.


Paul describes Christians coming together for God’s purposes through using their gifts and the way that the Lord has wired them:

For the body does not consist of one part, but of many. If the foot should say, because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body, that would not make it any less a part of the body. (I Corinthians 12:16)

As we come together in Christ, we each have significance and we each have ways to help our brother or sister accomplish their God given goals. The dependency we have on one another suddenly becomes one of the best gifts ever from God. Friends, we need each other. If I were to spend my days envisioning a future and did not have my good-with-detail-friends I would be lost. And if my deep diving friends didn’t have me they might get lost at the bottom of the sea looking for shells. I know that is a bit far fetched, but am hoping you are following my trend of thought. God designed us in a way that we need one another. 

So we, being many are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another (Romans 12:5)

This semester I am teaching a 3 week course that I wrote when I discovered my need for the body of Christ; my need to have partners working towards the same goal of spreading the Good News; the Gospel. I was in a rough place having been offended for stepping out in faith to start a community wide study and for having a vision to reach the nations for Christ. During the process of writing the course, I found friends who both encouraged me to keep going, but who also helped me to accomplish the vision by helping me set up each step. From that point on, I have valued all the gifts that others bring to the table. We are better together. So if the enemy can build fences of offenses he will keep us divided so that we cannot work together for this common goal.

Please join me for this study: Tearing Down the Fences of Offenses either live or by streaming, or you can follow along with some of my notes on our mobile app. Together let’s build a community of unoffendable people working together to bring Jesus Christ to a broken world.

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